If you have additonal concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Bank Information:
Sparkasse Bremen:
Kontoinhaber: Camp F.A.C.E
IBAN: DE89 2905 0101 0084 0922 95
** Please include your campers full name in the payment. **
Verwendungszweck: Campname – Name des Kindes – Nachname des Kindes
We are pleased to announce that a full lunch will be included within enrollment. The 2025 menu will be published at a later time. We are currently working on an awesome meal plan 🙂
Participants must – if applicable, through their legal guardian – be insured privately against health and liability.
With registration, the parent or legal guardian(s) confirm that there are no objections to participation in the event from a physical and medical point of view.
The camp language is English, therefore a basic level is recommended. We do have Bilingual counselors that can support in both languages, however the camper should be prepared to communicate in English, or at least try 🙂
Our Team is happy to support and encourage.
Unfortunately not. We recommend the full 2 weeks to be able to build the most connections and maintain the maximum experience.
At the moment, yes, however stay tuned!